Daum 基本解释
Daum 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Daum changed his mind a few days later .
- 几天后他又改变了主意。
- Nhn and daum complained the rule made their video-sharing services less competitive .
- nhn和daum均曾抱怨称,该法律削弱了其视频分享业务的竞争力。
- Andrew daum is the publisher of the new traffic tools newsletter .
- 华纳出版家是新交通通讯工具.
- Back in september a message appeared on an online bulletin board owned by daum , the most popular web host in a country , south korea , with a huge internet culture .
- 追溯到9月,在互联网规模巨大的韩国最大的网站daum的公告板上出现了一条消息。
- Daum , the country 's largest portal , took over lycos of the us in 2004 but had struggled to turn around the loss-making us business as it could not compete effectively with bigger rivals such as google and yahoo .
- 韩国最大的门户网站daum于2004年收购了美国的lycos,但却一直难以将这家美国公司扭亏为盈,因为它无法与谷歌(google)、雅虎(yahoo)等更强的对手有效地竞争。
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