n. 堕落
depravation 基本解释
depravation 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As a matter of fact , if you want to go crazy , get rid of all your information : it 's called sensory depravation .
- 实际上,你要是想疯掉的话,那就处理掉你接收的所有信息吧:这就是所谓的感官恶化。
- In addition , corruption damages the social equity and justice , causing the depravation of the social values .
- 此外,腐败还损害社会的公平与正义,从而最终导致社会风气的恶化。
- Valid : pointing the symptom alleviates or disappears ; invalid : point to have no the alleviation ; depravation : symptom aggravat .
- 好转:指症状缓解或消失;稳定:指无减轻;恶化:指术后症状加重。
- The soil erosion is the root reason , which results in the land deteriorate , the soil property of physics and chemistry becomes more inferior and fertility descend , the land utilization lower , ecosystem environment depravation .
- 土壤侵蚀是造成土地退化、土壤理化性质变劣、肥力下降、土地利用率降低、生态环境恶化的根本原因。
- In the future society , with the quick development of the high technology and information , people ? S physical lives will come to the so ? Called wealthy stage , followed by environment depravation and the losing of person ? S individuality at the same time .
- 在未来社会里,高科技与信息化的迅速发展使人们的物质生活进入了所谓的富裕阶段,然而环境的恶化以及人自我个性差异的丧失也随之而来。
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