fix on
英[fɪks ɒn] 美[fɪks ɑːn]
phr. 把……固定住;把……集中在……上;确定;选定
fix on基本解释
1. 注
2. 决定
fix on的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- We don 't really have a good fix on the concept .
- 我们不能有个很好的确定的定义。
- Can you get a fix on the submarine ?
- 你能给潜水艇定位吗?
- Can we get a fix on the phone ?
- 我们能将那电话定位吗?
- Getting a fix on its real level of profitability is hard to do .
- 要想确定该司的盈利水平并非易事。
- D better fix on a date for the meeting .
- 我们最好确定一个开会的日子。
- Few more like that one and they 'll get an exact fix on our location .
- 看起来似乎他们更急切的想确定我们的位置。
- Can you get a fix on our position from your astrogation program ?
- 你能用航天程序确定我们的位置吗?
- But he also had an acute case of what I call grasshopper mind not being able to fix on anything for very long .
- 但是他有另一个明显的特点,我称之为“蚱蜢思维”,克拉克无法在某件事情上专注太久。
- I can 't get a fix on our location because of the nebula but we 're definitely not where we should be .
- 因为星云我不能确定我们的位置,但是我们肯定道到了不应该到的地方。
- Mr. thornton can you give us a fix on where this distress signal is coming from ?
- 索伦顿先生你能帮我们确定那个求救信号来自那里吗?
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