fla 基本解释
[医][=fluorescent-labeled antibody]荧光标记抗体
fla 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The fla found more than four dozen violations of either its own codes or chinese labor laws .
- 公平劳动协会查出了至少四五十起违反协会规定或者中国劳动法的情况。
- The fla also shared key details of its audit process with reuters .
- fla也与路透社分享了一些审计过程中的关键细节。
- Fla is a nonprofit involving companies , universities and social groups to address labor conditions .
- fla是一家以改善劳动环境为宗旨的非营利组织,成员机构包括企业、高校和社会团体等。
- Over the course of three weeks , 30 fla representatives will visit two foxconn factories in shenzhen , china and one in chengdu .
- 在未来的三周课程中,30位来自fla的代表将参观富士康在中国深圳和成都的两个工厂。
- The us fair labor association ( fla ) was asked by apple to investigate working conditions at foxconn after reports of long hours and poor safety .
- 在被爆出工时长及安全性差的问题之后,苹果公司邀请美国公平劳动协会(fla)对富士康公司的劳动状况进行调查。
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