英['gɔlˌblædə] 美[ˈgɔlˌblædər]
n. 胆囊
gallbladder 基本解释
gallbladder 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Helps prevent gallstones and symptomatic gallbladder disease in men .
- 有助于预防男性胆结石及症状胆囊
- Mubarak has a history of minor ailments and underwent gallbladder surgery in germany in march last year .
- 穆巴拉克一直有些小病痛,去年三月还在德国做过胆囊手术。
- The bile is also often extracted using tubes that connect to the gallbladder , where the bile from the liver is stored , according to the animals asia foundation .
- 一般使用管子连接胆囊抽取胆汁,胆汁被储存起来,据亚洲动物基金会介绍。
- Sciencedaily ( dec. 21 , 2010 ) - moderately and morbidly obese persons face many health issues -- heart disease , diabetes , hypertension , stroke , gallbladder disease and others .
- 科学日报(2010年12月21日)--中度和病态型肥胖人群面临血多健康问题--心脏疾病,糖尿病,高血压,中风,胆囊疾病等等。
- If you x-ray people 's joints there will invariably be signs of arthritis ; the bowel is likely to have diverticulae , and the gallbladder is often filled with gallstones .
- 如果你给关节做x光检查,常常会发现关节炎的征兆;肠里可能有憩室,胆囊里通常有很多结石。
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