gapper 基本解释
gapper 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Gapper
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- Thus far as my colleague john gapper pointed out earlier this week it remains unclear whether all these colourful titbits will ever produce a tangible , successful prosecution in court .
- 迄今为止正如我的同事约翰加普(johngapper)上上周所指出的我们仍不清楚这些奇闻异事会不会在法庭上转化为切实有效的起诉。
- As a result , many do not want to spend money on a gap year and the grey gapper appears to be filling the void left by their children .
- 所以,许多人都不愿将钱花在“空档年”上,而银发出行者似乎填补了他们的孩子留下的这一空缺。
- Far from being too narrow , the book provided a " new insight into how technology works inside an industry , standard-setting and entrepreneurship " , said john gapper , the ft 's chief business commentator .
- 英国《金融时报》首席商业评论员约翰加普(johngapper)表示,此书高屋建瓴地提供了一个“关于技术如何改变一个行业、关于标准制定和创业精神的新见解”。