英[gæt] 美[gæt]
n. 手枪,狭航道;get 的过去式(古代用法);港道
gat 基本解释
n. 手枪,狭航道;get 的过去式(古代用法);港道
gat 变化形式
易混淆的单词: GatGAtGAT
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- Gat is sensibly equivocal about the future .
- 盖特没有对未来妄下定论。
- It also makes azar gat 's new book on the relationship between democracy and political and economic success particularly timely .
- 阿泽尔盖特(azargat)有关民主与政治和经济成就之间关系的新书也因此显得特别恰逢其时。
- Writing in a recent edition of foreign affairs , azar gat , an israeli academic , suggests that if western democracies run into economic problems , a " successful non-democratic second world could then be regarded by many as an attractive alternative to liberal democracy . "
- 在近期的《外交》(foreignaffairs)杂志上,以色列学者阿泽尔盖特(azargat)提出,如果西方民主国家出现经济问题,一个“成功的非民主的第二世界,可能会被很多人看成是自由民主之外的诱人选择。”
- Gat is a professor at tel aviv university and the author of a well - received previous book , war in human civilisation .
- 盖特是以色列特拉维夫大学(telavivuniversity)的教授,他的上一部著作《文明世界的战争》颇受好评。
- His latest work is a collection of themed essays , mainly published elsewhere , which makes it a less interesting read than if it had been a single monograph . Nonetheless , gat 's central theme is thought-provoking and disturbing .
- 新书是一部主题散文集,收录的文章大多已在其它地方发表,因此读起来不像专著那么有趣,但盖特的中心主题十分发人深省。