go out
英[ɡəu aut] 美[ɡoʊ aʊt]
phr. 外出;出国;熄灭;出版
go out基本解释
go out的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- When you do go out look for available deals and discounts .
- 如果一定要出去吃,记得查找可用的优惠和折扣。
- Why not go out and get a wealthy friend .
- 为什么不出门,去结交一个有钱的朋友呢。
- Mexican nannies hold babies while american mothers go out to work .
- 当墨西哥保姆在美国母亲们(安心)外出工作之时照看婴儿。
- That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie .
- 当晚我就打电话给她,邀请她出来出晚饭,一起看电影。
- You cannot go out there with a script to pick up women .
- 你不可能带着一张和女人搭讪的字条出去,和女人交往。
- It only generates demand when people go out and spend their tax cuts .
- 减税只有在人们出去花他们少付的税时才会创造需求。
- It was sunday and we were planning to go out for ice cream .
- 这是个星期天,我们正打算出门去吃冰激凌。
- People now feel confident enough to buy cars and go out after dark .
- 现在,人们对买车和夜间外出都有足够的信心了。
- I 'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction .
- 我也出去活动一下筋骨,并且做出一个大胆的预测。
- Give god a chance to provide before you go out and charge it .
- 给神一个机会来供应你,然后你再出去奔忙。
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