更新时间:2021-04-17 13:38:33作者:网络
photovoltaics on the rooftop
14 该题目信息出现在B段,第4行“During the day,when the home may not be using much electricity,…At night,power flows the opposite way.”与题目相对应,因此正确答案为B
15 该题目信息出现在D段,第三行This installation consists of 18 "dummy' homes. Each equipped with its own 2-5 kilowatt photovoltaic system (about 20 - 50 square meters for each system).因此,正确答案为D。
16 该题目信息出现在H段,第二行‘For example, the use of photovoltaics or the equivalent maybe stipulated to lessen demands on the grid network and hence reduce fossil fuel emissions’。因此,正确答案为H.
17 该题目信息出现在B段,中间部分‘Figure 1 illustrates the system. During the day, when the home may not be using much electricity, excess power from the solar array is fed back to the grid, to factories and offices that need daytime power. At night, power flows the opposite way’。因此,正确答案为B.
18 该题目信息出现在H段,‘Approvals for building renovations may also be conditional upon taking such energy-saving measures. If this were to happen, everyone would benefit.’ 因此,正确答案为H.
19 该题目信息出现在E段,第二行‘Large federal and regional government subsidies were involved, accounting in most cases for 70% of the total system costs。’因此,正确答案为E.
20 该题目信息出现于A 段末句‘Solar energy, the conversion of sunlight into energy, is made possible through the use of photovoltaics, which are simple appliances that fit onto the roof of a house.’太阳能电池板不是储存电量,而是装换电量的。因此正确答案为false。
21 该题目信息出现于 c段,首句和末句‘The first systematic exploration of the use of photovoltaics on homes began in the US during the 1970s。’ A change in US government priorities in the early 1980s halted this program.原文说1970年,在美国首先开始,但是在1980年终止了这个项目。因此正确答案为false。
22 该题目信息出现于D段,A large residential test station was installed on Rokko Island beginning in 1986. This installation consists of 18 "dummy' homes. Each equipped with its own 2-5 kilowatt photovoltaic system (about 20 - 50 square meters for each system). Some of these simulated homes have their own electrical appliances inside, such as TV sets, refrigerators and air conditioning units, which switch on and off under computer control providing a lavish lifestyle for the non-existent occupants. For the other systems, electronics simulate these household loads.正确答案为TRUE.
23 该题目信息出现于f段,倒数第三行‘The program made a modest start in 1994, when 539 systems were installed with a government subsidy of 50 percent’。因此,正确答案为TRUE.
24 该题目信息在原文没有对应,因此,正确答案为NOT GIVEN.
25 该题目信息出现于G段第三行‘Gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels in the production of electricity are a major contributor to the green house effect。’根据原文不能判断题目中的‘gas emission’是否是住宅用电的主要来源,因此,正确答案为NOT GIVEN.
26 该题目信息出现于H段,‘ It is likely that in the future, governments will develop building codes that attempt to constrain the energy demands of new housing’。原文说的是计划将来实施,题目说现必须要,因此,因此正确答案为FALSE。