欢迎您访问 2024年6月大学英语四级翻译常用短语(5)!


更新时间:2024-01-18 18:00:05作者:起步网校



1、Cut down (on) 削减,降低

例句:I need to cut down on my spending. 我需要减少开支。

2、Cut off 阻断;切断,使隔绝

例句:The water supply was cut off due to a broken pipe. 由于水管破裂,供水被切断了。

3、Drop by/in 顺便来访(无意的)

例句:I dropped by your office to say hello. 我顺便到你的办公室问候了一下。

4、Fall back on 求助于,转而依靠

例句:When all else fails, I fall back on my fallback plan. 当其他所有方法都失败时,我会求助于我的备用计划。

5、Fall behind 落后

例句:If we don't keep up the pace, we'll fall behind in the race. 如果我们不保持速度,我们会在比赛中落后。

6、Fall in with 碰见;符合,与……一致

例句:I fell in with a group of friends at the party. 我在派对上遇到了一群朋友。

7、Get across 解释清楚,使人了解

例句:The teacher used visual aids to help get his message across to the students. 老师使用视觉辅助工具帮助学生理解他的信息。

8、Get at 够得着,触及;意思是,理解

例句:I can't get at the book on the shelf. 我够不着书架上的那本书。

9、Get away 离开,走开,逃脱

例句:The thief tried to get away, but was caught by the police. 小偷试图逃跑,但被警察抓住了。

10、Get by 混过;通过,经过

例句:He managed to get by without a car in the city. 他设法在城市里没有车的情况下混过日子。

11、Get down to 开始,着手(此处to为介词)

例句:It's time to get down to business and start working on the project. 是时候开始着手处理这个项目并开始工作了。

12、Get in 进入;收回,收获

例句:The farmers are busy getting in the crops before the winter comes. 农民们在冬季来临之前忙着收获庄稼。

13、Get out of 逃避;改掉

例句:I can't get out of going to the party - I already答应人家了. 我不能不去参加晚会——我已经答应人家了。

14、Get rid of 除去,摆脱

例句:The company needed to get rid of the old equipment to improve efficiency. 公司需要淘汰旧设备以提高效率。

15、Get through 接通电话;度过(时间等);结束,完成

例句:It took me hours to get through to the company on the phone. 我花了几个小时才打通这家公司的电话。

16、Get together 集合,聚集

例句:We need to get together to discuss our plan for the project. 我们需要聚集在一起讨论这个项目的计划。

17、Give away 泄露,分送

例句:He couldn't resist the urge to give away his secret plan to his friend. 他忍不住冲动把他的秘密计划泄露给了朋友。

18、Give back 送还;恢复

例句:She had to give back the borrowed book before the due date. 她必须在到期日之前归还借来的书。

19、Give in 交上;投降,屈服

例句:The enemy finally gave in and surrendered to the superior force. 敌人最终屈服了,向优势兵力投降。

20、Give up 停止,放弃

例句:After many failed attempts, he finally gave up hope of finding the treasure. 经过多次失败的尝试后,他终于放弃了找到宝藏的希望。

21、Give way to 给……让路,对……让步(含屈服的意思)

例句:He gave way to his younger sister and agreed to buy her a new dress. 他向他的妹妹让步,同意给她买一条新裙子。

22、Go after 追求,求爱

例句:He has been going after that girl for months, but she has repeatedly rejected him. 他追求那个女孩已经好几个月了,但她一直拒绝他。

23、Go around/round 足够分配;流传

例句:There's not enough food to go around, so we'll have to ration it. 没有足够的食物分配给每个人,所以我们必须定量供应。

24、Go by (时间等) 过去;遵守,遵循

例句:Time flies and before you know it, another year has gone by. 时间飞逝,不知不觉中又一年过去了。

25、Go in for 从事,追求,致力于,沉迷于

例句:I've decided to go in for a career in teaching. 我已决定从事教育事业。

26、Go into 研究,调查,进入

例句:He went into the history of the company and discovered some interesting facts. 他研究了公司的历史,发现了一些有趣的事实。

27、Go over 复习,重温;(重复)检查,审查

例句:I need to go over my notes before the exam. 我需要在考试前复习笔记。

28、Go through 经历,经受(困难等)

例句:The company went through a difficult time but managed to stay afloat. 公司经历了一段困难时期,但仍然设法维持下去。

29、Absence from 缺席,离开

例句:The teacher noticed his absence from the class. 老师注意到了他没来上课。

30、Have access to 可以接近;可以利用

例句:Everyone should have access to education regardless of their background. 每个人都应该有权接受教育,不论其背景如何。

31、Make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人

例句:I was eager to make the acquaintance of the famous author. 我渴望结识这位著名作家。

32、Have a nodding acquaintance with 与……有点头之交

例句:I have a nodding acquaintance with him, but we haven't really spoken in depth before. 我跟他只是点头之交,之前我们并没有深入交谈过。

33、Take action 采取行动

例句:The government has taken action to tackle the rising crime rate. 政府已经采取行动来应对不断上升的犯罪率。

34、Admission to 准许

例句:To gain admission to the exclusive club, one must be recommended by an existing member. 要想获准加入这个高级俱乐部,必须得到一名现有会员的推荐。

35、Take advantage of 利用,趁……之机

例句:He took advantage of the opportunity to improve his skills. 他趁机提高了自己的技能。

36、Make an agreement with 与……达成协议

例句:We finally made an agreement with the company on the terms of the contract. 我们最终与公司就合同条款达成协议。

37、Make/Offer an apology to 向某人道歉

例句:I want to make an apology to you for my behavior last week. 我想对你上周的行为表示歉意。





2021-04-28 08:16


截至2021年1月,对于学生出国留学暂无影响。美国政府部门现阶段都还没限定这13所高校与美国高校的沟通交流。 将来可能会包含这种高等院校和美国开展协作与沟通交流的机遇,将

2021-04-27 15:28



2021-04-27 15:22


学历要求:申读美国大学本科课程须至少高中毕业,申读硕士课程须本科毕业,拥有学士学位。申请学校和专业时应尽量符合个人的教育背景、工作经历及兴趣爱好。 英语要求:美国大学

2021-04-27 10:09


1、如果高二走的话,可以上社区学院,在社区学院拿到副学士学位之后,再转入综合性大学读完本科,拿到本科学位。 2、高三毕业后走的话,可以直接申请综合性大学或文理学院,在高二结束

2021-04-27 05:10



2021-04-26 22:17
