

更新时间:2024-01-21 06:00:04作者:起步网校



如果要问,当代年轻人遇到困难之后会做的一件事。互联网 “ 算命 ” ,一定榜上有名。


真就应了那句话,在上班和上进之间,年轻人宁愿选择 “ 上香 ” 。



按照世超一个专门干占卜的朋友小李的说法,占卜属于神秘学的体系,甚至还有所谓的 “ 官方 ” 机构,就比如英国皇家占星学院。

包括之前,《 哈利 · 波特 》作者 J·K· 罗琳的母校埃克塞特大学,宣布要开设的 “ 魔法与神秘学 ” 硕士学位,其实也是学历史,而并非教你怎么学习魔法。



这两年,世超在网上发现占卜又套上了 App 的壳儿。

像什么测测、占星猫、准了,这些 App 通过提供付费咨询服务来盈利。


据投资界的不完全统计,从 2014 年到 2019 年,有将近 20 款占卜命理类产品获得了融资。

就比如,测测 App 还在 2021 年拿到了腾讯的融资。


不过在小李看来,市面上的几个占卜 App 在内容上做得还算比较中肯,对于占卜爱好者来说完全够用了。


因为 App 上的收入跟私域收入相比,压根就不是一个量级的。

就拿某个 App 内置的付费占卜来说,价格基本上在 50 块一卦,占卜者拿到手也就 20-30 块。

“ 时薪低,我不如去开直播。 ”

但自己做私域,一般来说 100-300 的时薪才比较正常,上不封顶,甚至半个小时收费四位数也有可能。


算一年的运势是 218 ,一对一半小时就是 168 ,如果有延伸问题还得加钱。


价格在 88-1888 不等,每个占卜师的价位都不太一样。


但最让我没想到的是,现在的占卜,都已经发展到可以称之为 “ 行业 ” 的地步了。






并且,在他们的圈子里,也有 “ 考证 ” 的说法。

像美国 ATA 塔罗协会、中华塔罗协会,这些民间机构都可以颁发证书,还有什么道教皈依证。







If you have to ask, the one thing young people do when they get into trouble. The Internet "fortune telling" must be on the list.

Go to school, find a job, find a partner, and even if you broke up with your ex, you have to find someone to do the math. And up to the constellation Tarot, down to the I Ching eight characters, the main is a everything can be sought.

Really should be that sentence, between work and progress, young people would rather choose "incense".

From time to time, Shichao will also brush some tarot card analysis videos on the platform.

But after talking to relevant practitioners, I found that the water around here is quite deep...

According to Xiao Li, a friend of Shichao who specializes in divination, divination belongs to the occult system, and there are even so-called "official" institutions, such as the Royal College of Astrology in England.

Previously, the university of Exeter, the Alma mater of Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling, announced that it would offer a master's degree in "Magic and the Occult", which is actually a study of history, rather than teaching you how to learn magic.

So in the view of the world super, all kinds of divination let's take a psychological comfort.

If you really believe that metaphysics can change your life against heaven, then you will be cheated.

In the past two years, the world super found on the Internet divination and set on the shell of App.

Like the beta, astrology Cat, and Quasi, these apps make money by offering paid consulting services.

Equivalent to the previous offline divination, private divination that hang, moved to the platform.

According to incomplete statistics from the investment community, from 2014 to 2019, nearly 20 divination and numerology products have been financed.

For example, the test App also got financing from Tencent in 2021.

However, after these metaphysical products were cracked down on by the state, there was no sound anymore.

However, in Xiao Li's view, several divination apps on the market are relatively relevant in content, which is completely enough for divination lovers.

But most divination practitioners are still focused on their own private domain.

Because the revenue on the App is not the same magnitude as the revenue in the private domain.

Take the paid divination built into an App for example, the price is basically 50 yuan a divination, and the diviner will get 20-30 yuan.

"The hourly wage is low. I might as well go live."

But to do their own private domain, generally speaking, 100-300 hourly wage is more normal, not capped, and even half an hour charges four figures are possible.

If you are still not intuitive about divination salary levels, you can take a look at this price list.

It's 218 for a year, 168 for half an hour, and extra money if there's a stretch.

And for a fee, there are plenty of names.

The price ranges from 88-1888, and the price of each soothsayer is different.

Therefore, when everyone is on duty and receives thousands of dollars in wages every month, some people have relied on divination and earned five figures a month.

But what I did not expect most is that divination has now developed to the point where it can be called an "industry".

It not only has practitioners, but also a mature industrial chain.

One person can be a complete industrial chain.

Including divination, selling transit products, doing rituals, and after-sales consulting, basically a person can wrap a circle, or several people open a studio to operate.

Even some qualified people can make a lot of money by teaching divination.

According to Xiao Li, a serious career in the occult is no different from scientific research, and generally requires the ability to use Latin.

Moreover, in their circles, there is also the saying of "research".

Like the American ATA Tarot Association, the Chinese Tarot Association, these non-governmental organizations can issue certificates, and what is the Taoist conversion certificate.

It's just, in our opinion, a little amateurish...

Whether it's the various doors inside, or the high hourly wage, which is a little bit scary.

The reason why I wrote this article is that the world Super does not want everyone to change careers to do this, nor will it give any divination rectification.

Just, simply to show you the status quo of the development of divination industry and some chaos.

Look forward to metaphysics can change life, or wake up as soon as possible.


年轻人 young people ; youngster ; kid ; young one ; yoof ; a man young in years

遇到困难 encounter difficulties ; hit ; come up against difficulties

榜上有名 One's name is on the list of successful candidates

找对象 Find Object ; look for a partner in marriage ; look for a mate

塔罗 Tarot ; taro

易经 The book of Changes

八字 character "八" ; Eight Characters ; horoscope ; like the character 八 ; ;

在上班 be at work

上香 Perfumed ; go to a temple to pray

塔罗牌 Tarot ; Tarot Card


selling 为现在分词。现在分词短语作句子状语。

doing 为现在分词。现在分词短语作句子状语。

consulting 为动名词。

wrap 为谓语。

or 为并列连词,连接并列句。

open 为谓语,采用一般现在时。

to operate 为不定式,作状语。

can 为情态动词。a 为不定冠词。



1) 现在分词作状语常用于表示伴随动作,而不定式作状语则常用于表示目的。试比较以下句子。

Coming into the room, I saw a girl crying. 走进房间,我看到一个女孩正在哭泣。

The children ran out of the room, laughing and talking merrily. 那些孩子们跑出房间,愉快地笑着、说着。

A group of young people got together to discuss this question. 一群年轻人聚集在一起讨论这个问题。

To avoid any delay, please phone your order direct. 为免延误,请直接打电话预订。

2) 现在分词作状语和不定式作状语都可以用来表结果。但前者表示的都是谓语动词的直接结果,是意料中的结果。而不定式做结果状语通常表示的是一个未曾料到的不愉快的结果。试比较以下句子。

Her husband died ten years ago,leaving her with three children to look after. 她丈夫十年前去世了,撇下她和三个孩子。

European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world. 欧式足球在80个国家开展,使得欧式足球成为世界上最受欢迎的体育运动。

She tried to kill herself only to be saved.她企图自杀,后来被救了。

He got home to learn that his father was ill.他回到家中,得知他父亲病了。

can 与 be able to 的区别

be able to 与 can 在表示“能”, “能够” 的意思时,通常情况下可以通用。 但 be able to 在以下方面与 can 有一些区别。

1) 意思上be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,而can则强调自身已具有的能力。

* She can sing the song in English. 她能用英语唱这首歌。

* He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes, too. 几小时之后,他也能用英语唱这首歌。

2)can可用于表示可能,推测,允许等,而be able to不这样用。

* Anyone can make mistakes. 人人都可能犯错误。

* You can keep the book until next Sunday. 这本书你可以用到下星期天。

* Can it be true? This can't be true. 这可能是真的吗? 这不会是真的。

3)be able to 在用法上比can 更加多变灵活。

a) can只有一般现在和一般过去两种时态, 而be able to 可以使用许多时态。

* I could help you last night, but you didn’t come. 昨天晚上我能帮你,而你又没来。

* Can you see it there? 你能看见它在那儿吗?

* He will be able to help you. 他能帮你的忙。

* He was not able to do the new job. 他不能做新工作。

* He had not been able to complete the job. 他无法完成工作。

b) be able to 前可有其它情态动词。

* He may not be able to come. 他或许不能来。

c) be able to 有非限定形式(即可以用作非谓语动词)。

* They seem to be able to give up his bad habits. 他好像能改掉坏习惯。

* A good teacher has to be able to be patient with students. 一位好教师必须对学生有耐心。





2021-04-28 08:16


截至2021年1月,对于学生出国留学暂无影响。美国政府部门现阶段都还没限定这13所高校与美国高校的沟通交流。 将来可能会包含这种高等院校和美国开展协作与沟通交流的机遇,将

2021-04-27 15:28



2021-04-27 15:22


学历要求:申读美国大学本科课程须至少高中毕业,申读硕士课程须本科毕业,拥有学士学位。申请学校和专业时应尽量符合个人的教育背景、工作经历及兴趣爱好。 英语要求:美国大学

2021-04-27 10:09


1、如果高二走的话,可以上社区学院,在社区学院拿到副学士学位之后,再转入综合性大学读完本科,拿到本科学位。 2、高三毕业后走的话,可以直接申请综合性大学或文理学院,在高二结束

2021-04-27 05:10



2021-04-26 22:17
