bring about
英[briŋ əˈbaut] 美[brɪŋ əˈbaʊt]
phr. 使(船)掉转船头;造成,引起[导致](某事);创造;实现
bring about基本解释
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- Again cheaper communications helped to bring about change .
- 然而低廉的通信成本再一次给行业带来了变革。
- One big recession could surely bring about just that .
- 一次大的经济衰退肯定导致通缩。
- So boards often turn to an outsider to bring about lasting change .
- 因此,董事会往往求助于外部人士,来实现持久的转变。
- Police reinforcements helped to bring about a calmer third night on tuesday .
- 警察增援部队已经在周二为这里带来了第三个平静的夜晚。
- He saw music as a way to bring about political change .
- 他仅仅将音乐视为带来政治改变的方式。
- They see the evident benefits of the personal computer revolution that he helped to bring about .
- 他们看到了在盖茨的推动下,个人电脑革命带来的明显好处。
- The downturn may not bring about theapocalypse .
- 经济的衰退不一定会导致大灾难。
- The crisis will bring about further permanent changes in our labour markets .
- 这次危机将给我们的就业市场带来进一步的持续性的变化。
- Airlines helped to bring about globalisation but their own industry is far from globalised .
- 航空公司促进了全球化的到来,而航空业自身却远没有实现全球化。
- Several causes operated to bring about the war .
- 那场战争的起因有好几个。
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