

更新时间:2022-06-11 02:02:37作者:admin2

Would you do me a favor?

Do you have sth? May I borrow it for a while?

Can you lend me your sth?


acquire, attain, gain, get表“获得”有何区别?

让我们先来看看acquire, attain, gain, get四个词的英汉双解释义,然后再进行区分。

acquire /əˈkwaɪə US əˈkwaɪr/ v.(a) gain (something) by one's own ability, efforts or behavior (靠自己的能力﹑ 努力或行为而)获得, 得到(某事物)

acquire a good knowledge of English, an antique painting, a taste for brandy, a reputation for dishonesty 学好英语﹑ 得到一幅古画﹑ 学会喝白兰地酒﹑ 得到不诚实的名声

(b) obtain (something); be given (something) 取得(某事物); 收到(某事物)

My sister couldn't take her desk with her to the new house: that's how I came to acquire it. 我妹妹无法把她的书桌搬入新居, 我就是这样才得到它的。

We've just acquired a dog. 我们刚得到一只狗。

attain /əˈteɪn/ v.attain: succeed in getting (something); achieve 获得(某事物); 达到; 实现

attain a position of power 获得权位

attain one's goal, objective, ambition, etc. 实现目的﹑ 目标﹑ 抱负等

attain our target of50000 达到我们的50000英镑的目标

gain /geɪn/ v.(a) obtain, win (esp. something wanted or needed) 获得, 赢得(尤指想要的或所需的事物)

gain possession 获得所有权

gain access to secret information 得以接触机密资料

gain somebody’s affections 赢得某人的喜爱

I gained the impression that the matter had been settled. 我得到的印象是事情已经解决了。His persistence gained him victory. 他因坚持不懈而获胜。

(b) get more of (esp. something wanted or needed) 得到更多(尤指想要的或所需的事物); 增加

gain experience, power, strength, weight 增加经验﹑ 权势﹑ 力量﹑ 重量

Our campaign is gaining momentum. 我们的运动在发展壮大。

The plane rapidly gained height. 飞机急速升高。

get /get/ v.get: obtain something 得到某事物

Where did you get (i.e. buy) that skirt? 你那条裙子是从哪儿买的?

Did you manage to get tickets for the concert? 你弄到音乐会的票了吗?

She opened the door wider to get a better look. 她为了看得更清楚, 把门开大了一些。

Try to get some sleep. 去睡一会儿吧。

He doesn't look as though he gets enough exercise. 他似乎缺乏锻炼。

Johnson got (i.e. won) the gold medal in the 100 meters. 约翰逊获得百米金牌。

She's just got (i.e. been appointed to) a job with a publishing company. 她刚得到在出版公司的工作。

Why don't you get (yourself) a flat of your own? 你为什么不弄套房子?

Have you remembered to get your mother a birthday present / to get a birthday present for your mother? 记得给你母亲买生日礼物了吗?

通过以上英汉双解释义和例句,我们可以看出acquire, attain, gain, get表“获得”意思的区别。(1)acquire指经过一段较长过程而逐步掌握某种技能。

She acquired knowledge of English by careful study. 她认真学习而精通英语。


He attained the position of President. 他终于当上了总裁。


He quickly gained experience. 他很快就有经验了。


Did they get any compensation when they were dismissed from their jobs? 他们被解雇时有没有得到赔偿费?



考试,三才也为大家准备了这些资料,可能有人还在问上海人力资源管理师考试报名费用是多少,来下面看看有没有你想要的答案吧! 据“2017年上海市人力资源管理师考试鉴定公告”可

2021-04-16 07:41


1、不能自己报名,只能通过培训机构报名参加考试。 2、流程:人力资源管理师报名程序填写全国统一的《职业资格鉴定报名表》 提供以下资历证明: 1)学历证书、身份证原件及复印

2021-04-16 07:33


现在培训机构报名参加培训,然后参加培训,培训结业后参加国家统一组织的考试。 考试程序 1、在各省和劳动保障厅职业技能鉴定中心或代理机构报名 2、由各省职业技能鉴定中心审

2021-04-16 07:19


人力资源管理师三级理论知识考试时间为90分钟,专业能力考核考试时间为120分钟。 人力资源管理师每年上半年和下半年各举行一次,上半年,5月的第三个周末(一般是周日),下半年,11月的

2021-04-16 03:10


一、职业等级 企业人力资源管理员(国家职业资格四级) 助理企业人力资源管理师(国家职业资格三级) 企业人力资源管理师(国家职业资格二级) 高级企业人力资源管理师(国家

2021-04-16 03:10



2021-04-15 21:50
